The lighthouse, rocks and the ship
One student is a ship- his/her eyes must be coverd with a scarf. The ship must follow spoken directions of “the light house”.
One student is the lighthouse. “The light house” directs the ship to reach the port safely.
Other students are rocks. They mustn’t move, they are obstacles for the ship.
Fish and the net
There are fish students and net students. Net students hold hands and form a circle. They can move their arms, they can sit down and stand up. Their task is to catch the fish in the circle when they hear ”Fish caught in the net”.
Fish students can move in the circle, they swim through the circle. The moment they hear” ”Fish caught in the net” they must get out of the fishing net.
The ship at the sea.
Material: carpet=the ship, piece of grey paper =the life boat
Teacher says:
” The crew! To the right side of the ship” all students must stand on the right side of the carpet.”
“The crew! To the left side of the ship” all students must stand on the left side of the carpet.”
“The crew! To the stern!” All students must stand at the back of the ship.
“The crew! To the bow!” All students must stand at the front of the ship.
“The ship goes down” Leave the board and to the life boat” All students must stand on the grey piece of paper attached to the floor.
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